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How much is a cubic yard?
One cubic yard is a three dimensional cube that measures 3 feet long and 3 feet tall.
How many bags equal one yard of mulch?
Most home improvement stores sell mulch in 3-cubic foot bags. One yard is 27 cubic feet; one yard is equal to nine 3-cubic foot bags.
How much does a yard of product weigh?
Weights for products will vary due to moisture content. Typically, mulch products weigh between 400-800lbs. per cubic yard; Compost weighs between 1000-1600 lbs. and soils blends weigh between 2200-2700 lbs.
How much volume can my pickup hold?
A full size 3/4 or 1 ton pickup can hold 2-3 cubic yards, slightly rounded, but weight must be considered. Most full size pickups can handle 3 yards mulch, 2 yards of compost of 1-1.5 yards of soil product depending on the size of the pickup truck bed. Never load more than what is reasonable or what your vehicle is specified to carry.
What time of year should I apply mulch?
Time of year depends on what you hope to achieve by mulching. If you are using mulch in your vegetable or flower garden, it is best to apply them after the soil is warmed up in the spring.
Mulches used to moderate winter temperatures can be applied in late fall after the ground has frozen, but before the coldest temperatures arrive. Applying mulches before the ground freezes may attract rodents looking for a warm winter hide out.
How much material do I need?
To estimate the required cubic yardage required for mulch or compost, measure (in feet) the length and width of the areas to be covered. Multiply the length x width to get your square footage. Add up square footage for all areas and use the following formula:
1/2″ – divide the square footage by 660 = total yards
1″ – divide the square footage by 325 = total yards
2″ – divide the square footage by 162 = total yards
4″ – divide the square footage by 81 = total yards
5″ – divide the square footage by 65 = total yards
6″ – divide the square footage by 54 = total yards
Is the mulch treated with anything?
Our mulches are not chemically treated. The dyes used for our colored mulches are non-toxic, similar to high intensity food coloring.
Does the price of the mulch include delivery?
Delivery charges are dependent upon the amount ordered and the distance a customer is located from our yard, please call the office at 973-678-2599 for pricing.
What’s the best material to use for mulch?
Most organic materials such as ground wood fibers or shredded leaves can provide the key benefits of moisture conservation, weed control, thermal insulation and organic matter addition. Inorganic mulches such as rock or shredded tires do not need to be replaced, but do not add organic matter to the soil.
How much mulch should I apply?
The common misconception is the deeper the mulch the better, but that is entirely untrue. Two to three inches of mulch is adequate to get maximum mulch benefit in most cases. If a site already has mulch from the previous year, a thin, one inch top dressing is more than adequate.
Are the colorants safe for my plants and animals?
Yes, the materials used to manufacture the colorants are made from naturally occurring colors found in the earth’s surface. The colorants are specially developed to be nontoxic to plants and animals.
Why is mulch valuable to my tree?
Mulch is valuable for your trees because mulch insulates the soil, helping to provide a buffer from the extreme hot and cold temperatures. The water retention of mulch helps to keep roots moist. Mulch also prevents soil compaction & reduces lawn mower damage.
Is it true that mulch can “tie-up” soil nutrients?
Theoretically organic mulches that are low in nitrogen, such as wood chips, can reduce soil nitrogen availability during the process of microbial decomposition. In reality, we see little evidence of this in trees and shrubs. Plant nitrogen has been monitored in landscape shrubs and no difference was found between plants without mulch and those that were mulched with pine, hardwood bark and wood chips. In fact, in a couple of instances, the mulched plants had increased plant nitrogen.
What type of mulch should I use?
You should decide which color of mulch is needed for enhancing your landscape. Non dyed mulches are prone to fade faster than the color enhanced mulches, depending on the amount of sunlight that hits them.
What is the benefit of dyed mulch?
The dyed mulch will hold its dark color & keep the fresh mulch look all year long.
Does mulch prevents weeds?
No, mulch is used to suppress weeds not prevent them.
How often will I need to mulch?
This will depend on what kind of mulch you get and how fresh you like your landscape to look. Colored mulches may fade. To keep them looking good you may need to top-dress them once every year. Top dressing is applying about an inch of material on top of existing material.
Sometimes I get mold on top of mulch. What is it and is it harmful?
When it gets very hot and humid a fungus sometimes grows on top of mulch. It looks yellowish brown in color and can be unpleasant to the eye. The problem can easily be rectified with a blast of water from a hose. This fungus is not harmful.
What do I need to do before I mulch?
We recommend the weeds are removed & to till the soil.
I usually buy bags of mulch, how does that compare to a cubic yard?
We sell mulch by the cubic yard. A cubic yard is 27 cubic feet. Home Depot sells mulch in 2 cubic foot bags and 3 cubic foot bags. So 13.5 2-cubic ft. bags or 9 3-cubic foot bags is equivalent to one cubic yard.
What is Certified Playground mulch?
Engineered wood fiber made from a variety of hardwood and softwood. Certified ASTM and ADA standards. This material also carries the IPEMA certification making it the highest achieving certified material on the market.
What is screened topsoil?
Screening topsoil removes most of the debris and provides a loose, rich environment for plant growth and development. Screened topsoil is ideal for starting new lawn and garden or improving the soil in any area. Worked into existing soil, screened topsoil improves its texture and water retention.
Do I need to be home for delivery?
No, when you place your order just let our Friendly Tree representative know where you want your product off loaded.
Does mulch attract termites?
Studies have shown that termites are no more attracted to organic mulch than they are to rock or stone used in a landscape setting. Care should be taken to keep mulch (organic or inorganic) away from direct contact with the foundation of a house. According to several studies, it is actually the moist conditions that mulch creates that attract termites, rather than the concept that the mulch is being used as a food source.
What is the best weed barrier?
I always suggest old newspaper. Wet it down with a garden hose as you apply it. Put as many layers as you want. The newspaper is made of the same basic material as mulch.
Why do I have to re?mulch my beds every year?
Mulch is biodegradable; the natural effects of the elements break it down after a period of time. As the mulch decomposes, the nutrient it generates is absorbed by the soil. By adding new mulch a few times each year, you’re enhancing the appearance of your beds while simultaneously enriching the soil naturally.
Why should I mulch?
Mulch is extremely important for establishing plantings and adds beauty to your yard and landscape. Mulch retains moisture and retards weed germination and growth. Mulch also insulates the soil from heat in summer months and cold temperatures in winter. When mulch is applied around plant material, it helps to modify the soil’s environment and enhance plant growth. Various organic mulches add nutrients to the soil as it breaks down. Mulch also helps to reduce erosion.
Can’t I just buy a “truckload”?
Yes, you can, but keep in mind that trucks come in very different sizes, and will therefore hold varying amounts of material. That’s why we prefer to sell by the yard, so that you receive the exact amount you need for your project. Selling by the “truckload” and by the “scoop” are two ways the public can be misled by a seller. For example, you wouldn’t buy a “house full” of carpet without measuring to determine the exact amount you need.
Why is it important to water mulch after it is installed?
Mulch can be flammable in extreme hot temperatures and drought.
What is the difference between double ground and triple ground mulch?
The amount a mulch is ground refers to the size of the individual pieces. More processing results in smaller pieces, therefore Triple ground mulch has smaller pieces than Double ground.
My mulch blows away and fades out – How can I prevent it?
Mulch doesn’t really blow away – it simply falls apart or decays. All organic materials will eventually “gray out” due to exposure to the sun’s rays and decompose into smaller and smaller particle sizes. As it decomposes it eventually looks like dirt. The good news is, as this process continues the mulch becomes a long-term source of nutrients to the plants it surrounds.